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Prof. dr. C.W. Maris is emeritus hoogleraar rechtsfilosofie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en buitengewoon hoogleraar aan de University of the Western Cape.
Event details of Colloquium with Cees Maris 10 October 12.00-13.00
10 October 2023
12:00 -13:00


Classical liberal philosophers such as Locke and Kant are accused of philosophical racism: their theories are said to be inherently racist. Contemporary political philosopher John Rawls is also under fire. According to Charles Mills, Rawls' model of the social contract involves a racial contract. It is constructed from a one-sided white perspective: Rawls' theory of justice is silent about the fundamental injustice that marks the modern world: racial injustice. This essay addresses questions such as: To what extent is Mills' critique correct? Is liberalism inherently racist? Can the social contract be emancipated?


Roeterseilandcampus - gebouw A

Room A3.01
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam